Beauty and the Beast
Visions and Revisions of an Old Tale
Midsummer Nights Dream
-The Golden Ass
-Cupid(aros; powerful force of love) and Phsyche (soul; represented by a butterfly)
What's being said and How it's being said:
-"give me a copper and I'll tell you a story"
-responsibility of the story teller
Once Upon a Time
It happened and it didn't happen
-responsibility of child
Willing suspension of disbelief
Beauty and the Beast
Visions and Revisions of an Old Tale
Midsummer Nights Dream
-The Golden Ass
-Cupid(aros; powerful force of love) and Phsyche (soul; represented by a butterfly)
What's being said and How it's being said:
-"give me a copper and I'll tell you a story"
-responsibility of the story teller
Once Upon a Time
It happened and it didn't happen
-responsibility of child
Willing suspension of disbelief
Cupid and Phsyche
-3 beautiful daughters -B&B. 3 sisters
-Venus jealous -SW. jealousy of girl
-Cupid, sent to get rid of her -HMH. beast husband, invisible husband
-Cupid save girl
-castle, goes to sleep
-food -B&B
-sleeping/wispering; fears of chastity
-sisters, betrayel; leads to their death
*google Cupid and Psyche*
Soul falls in love with love
Archetype: Creatures of nature there to help
Jack Ross- spoonerism: reverent spooner mix up words
Moral: beauty is a treasure
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